Thursday, 17 March 2011

units test questions

                                              SE UNIT TEST -I
Time: 1 Hour                                                                                Max.Marks:20
I. Answer All the questions. Each question carries 2 marks                3*2=6 marks
1. Define Software engineering
2. Write about Verification and Validation
3. differentiate between program and software product.

                                                    Section -B
II. Answer any Two question. Each question carries 7 marks        2*7=14 marks
(4) Responsibilities of Project Manager
(5.)  Explain any one software Life Cycle Model.
(6.) Explain about Risk Management.

                                              SE UNIT TEST -II(23-03-2011)

Time: 1 Hour                                                                                Max.Marks:20
I. Answer All the questions. Each question carries 2 marks                3*2=6 marks
1. Write about Verification and Validation
2. Compare Software & Hardware reliability.
3. What are the characteristics of good SRS document?

                                                    Section -B
II. Answer any Two question. Each question carries 7 marks        2*7=14 marks
(4)(a) Write a short notes on Delpho Cost estimation
     Cohession and Coupling
    (b) What are various code review Techniques? Explain in detail.
(5.) (a)Explain in detail about ISO 9000.
      (b.)Write short notes on (i)Alpha Testing (ii)Beta Testing (iii)Acceptance Testing (iv)Stress Testing.

(6)(a)Compare Object Oriented & Function Oriented Design.
     (b)Explain about Debugging approaches and Guidelines.
(7)(a)Discuss about Integration Testing approaches.
    (b)Explain about Gantt Chart & Pert Chart.

(8)(a)What are the various types of User Interfaces? List the characteristics of good user Interface
    (b)What are the causes for Bad SRS DOCUMENT?
(9)(a)What are the different types of Software Requirements? Explain various types of gathering requirements.

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