Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Mtech Assignment Question for SE

1.Explain Software Engineering as a layered technology with a neat sketch.
2. What are process models why do we require them? Explain in detail any one of the process model?
3. Why it is important to design a software and explain the role it play?
4. Compare and contrast the evolving role of software with hardware?
5.Explain about Functional and Non functional requirements in detail?
6.What is engineering? Describe the process involved in gathering requirements and what are the elicitate requirements?
7.Explain accessing design quality,quality attributes of the design product, accessing design process and design product?
8.Illustrate the process of assessing Design qualities.
9.Explain about the constraints on design process in detail?
10.Describe the design process D-Matrix and organizational influence in design?

1)      Explain about the following terms (a)CMMI (b)Software Myths
2)      What is software engineering? Explain the nature of software
3)      Explain about the frame work of Generic Process model?
4)      What is meant by process assessment and improvement?
5)      What is a layered technology?
Unit ii
1.       Give an overview of prespective process model?
2.       What is Agile process?
3.       How software development done by aspect orientation?
Unit III
1.       What is functional and non-functional requirements?
2.       What is a requirement modeling? Explain about the types of requirement modeling
3.       How can software project estimation be done by empirical estimation model
Unit IV
1.       What are the guidelines and attributes of design concepts?
2.       Explain about the architecture of software and its importance?
3.       How designing is done by functional based component design?
4.       Give a brief description about class hierarchies and class based component design?

1.Discuss the principles of modeling and also discuss clearly the conceptual model of the uml.
2.State and explain with an example various steps in developing a class diagram.
3.Discuss how the unified process is a use case driven architecture centric and incremental process?
4.Discuss with a suitable example how to model flow of control by time ordering?
5.Illustrate the steps for modelling flows of control by organization?
6.What are the common modeling techniques of classes ?Explain?
7.How many types of events and signals are there ?Explain?
8.Differentiate between state chart diagram and activity diagram. Give suitable example for each of them?
9.What is the state chart diagram ?Elaborate it?
10. Briefly explain the common mechanisms?

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